
Empowering the Next Generation for a Safer Digital World

A Commitment to Cyber Safety and Global Partnerships Providing Education to Kids Worldwide
Emma Brownstein
Corporate Communications Intern
August 14, 2024
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4 Minutes
Empowering the Next Generation for a Safer Digital World
Written by
Emma Brownstein
Corporate Communications Intern
August 14, 2024
Read time
4 Minutes
Empowering the Next Generation for a Safer Digital World
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    A core belief in our ability to make the world a better, safer place is at the heart of everything we do at Gen.  

    We’re committed to making a meaningful impact through strategic partnerships and hands-on initiatives. That’s why approximately 60% of the funding from the Gen Foundation (a corporate-advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation) is dedicated specifically to advancing Cyber Safety education and training. And empowering children all over the world is our primary focus. We engage with local communities and educate kids —one of the most vulnerable and digital generations ever.  

    Recently, our Japanese marketing team, led by Risa Sakurai and Hiroshi Furuya, presented to 150 elementary school students in Tokyo. The session aimed to educate them all about Social Networking Services (SNS) scams and promote safe online practices as their lives become more and more digital.    

    “Empowering the next generation with the skills to navigate the digital world safely is crucial. Our recent presentation in Tokyo was a step towards ensuring that children understand the risks of SNS scams and how to protect themselves online,” said Risa Sakurai, GTM Marketing Specialist at Gen. 

    The focus on SNS scams and digital safety was chosen because these platforms are commonly used by young people to communicate and share content. With the rise of digital interactions, children are particularly vulnerable to online scams, cyberbullying and privacy breaches. The kids were very engaged, asking questions, such as: 

    • When using a social networking site, what personal info is acceptable or not acceptable to put on the site? 
    • What to do if they receive unwanted or inappropriate content? 
    • How to set up privacy settings on their social media accounts? 
    • How to recognize phishing attempts or suspicious messages? 
    • If they get into trouble, how and whom should they talk to? 

    The experience highlighted the importance of early education in digital safety and demonstrated the effectiveness of interactive and age-appropriate teaching methods.  


    As we dive into the back-to-school season, we also want to spotlight some other focused Cyber Safety education impacts we’ve helped champion: 


    Discovery Education 

    Discovery Ed partners with educators to enhance digital safety through a multi-language platform called My Digital Life, co-branded with Norton. Launched in 2023, this comprehensive website provides teachers, students and parents with essential tools and resources to navigate the online world safely. The impact has been significant. From September to December 2023, My Digital Life reached over 102,000 students across 47 states and 712 school districts, including 62% Title I schools. Read more about our work with Discovery Ed here.  


    WAGGGS - World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts 

    Norton and WAGGGS have teamed up for over a decade, most recently launching Surf Smart 2.0, an initiative designed to empower young women and girls with the tools they need to stay safe online. Surf Smart focuses on helping them recognize and address any feelings of insecurity, especially in relationships, and provides actionable steps to enhance their Cyber Safety. From April 2023 to April 2024, the program reached over 42,000 girls and young women. Read more about Gen’s involvement with Surf Smart . here.  


    The Trevor Project 

    The Trevor Project is dedicated to supporting LGBTQIA+ youth who are facing challenges such as suicidal thoughts and crises. Gen has recently collaborated with this initiative to provide essential tools and resources focused on online safety. We have helped build a Guide to Online Safety for LGBTQ+ Young People, equipping young people with strategies to protect themselves online and offering guidance on how to combat and prevent online bullying. 


    Moving Forward 

    Last year alone, we reached 5.3 million people with Cyber Safety awareness and training. But there is always more work to be done.  

    “We will continue to expand our outreach and collaborate with initiatives at Gen to ensure that everyone has the knowledge and tools they need to stay safe online,” said Kim Allman, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Public Policy at Gen. 

    Through key initiatives and partnerships, we can help build a more secure digital world for all. 

    Emma Brownstein
    Corporate Communications Intern
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