We see identity threats that could be easily missed.
The dark web is a hidden part of the internet widely known as a place for illegal activity, like criminals buying and selling personal information. Our threat detector can tell employees in seconds if we see their info on the dark web.
Start the Dark Web scan below.
Start your dark web scan.
Identity thieves can buy or sell personal information on hard-to-find dark web sites and forums. Simply enter a valid email address below, and we'll search the dark web for potential threats to your identity. Please note, your email address will be encrypted. We won’t log your information or use it for marketing purposes.
Employees' private information is more exposed than ever.
Cybercriminals can find an employee’s information in dark web forums, public records, or data broker sites. With this info they can disrupt their employer or snatch the employee’s life savings. Their tax refund, child’s personal information, and private details about their health could also be at risk.
Our technology blocked over 3.5 billion cyberthreats last year. That’s why millions of customers trust us with their personal information to protect their identities, devices, and online privacy.
Offer proactive protection against identity theft and cybercrime with Norton LifeLock Benefit Solutions.
Identity Theft Protection
Proprietary technology monitors for potentially fraudulent use of our members’ SSN, name, address and date of birth. The patented system sends alerts by text, phone, email or mobile app when a potential threat is detected.
Device Security
Multi-layered, advanced security helps protect devices against existing and emerging malware threats, including ransomware, and helps protect private and financial information when employees go online.
Online Privacy
Protect devices on vulnerable connections through bank-grade encryption to keep information private. We also scan common public people-search websites for employees’ info and help them opt-out.