Scam Artists

The emotional toll of cybercrime and identity theft visualized

A recent Gen study revealed that 58% of American and British people surveyed believe they could be vulnerable to cybercrime. Yet, almost half (45%) still think it’s unlikely to happen to them. As a result, cyber protection becomes an afterthought for many.

Scam Artists showcases, through creative artwork, the negative effects of cybercrime on the feelings and emotions of three victims, and the positive impact on wellbeing that cyber protection offers. In collaboration with award-winning psychologist Lee Chambers, the campaign shines a light on the inherent human instincts that often result in complacent behavior regarding digital safety. In doing so, it aims to help people recognize the need to be proactive about online protection to maintain control, confidence and freedom in the digital world.

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Cyberthreats today are bigger, more widespread, and more sophisticated than ever before, and they are here to stay. Last year Gen blocked more than 14 billion attacks. We’re focused on helping people to feel confident engaging with the digital world with solutions that help protect against evolving and emerging threats.